What will library services look like in 10 years? Definitely different than today in ways I probably can't anticipate. The changes I have already experienced have been spectacular.
I started my library career about 20 years ago. Not one single computer in the building. Stamping due dates on book cards. Filing cards and counting statistics by hand. Hand-writing overdue notices. Filmstrips. Phonograph records. Calling between branches to look for items requested. A microfiche catalog.
In 1997, staff had Internet access at a few computers. A CD-ROM catalog inhouse for customers. An automated circulation system on dumb terminals. Audiotapes. Videos. Receipt printers. Still calling between branches for requests, but the automated system gave guidance. A good print reference collection.
In 2007, computers everywhere for staff and customers with Internet access for all. Holds placed online by customers. Self-service pickup of holds. Self checkout of items. DVDs, CDs, downloadable audio. E-books. E-branch services available 24/7, including online databases. New libraries are more spacious, more comfortable.