Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pot Luck: #55 Getting the Most Out of Facebook

I have had a Facebook account since the Social Networks section of the original iHCPL 23 Things (Thing 18). I currently have 51 friends and 14 applications. As a result of this exercise, I just added a Friends Wheel and some pieces of flair.

Facebook is fascinating, and as a result, an incredible sink hole for time. I never fail to learn something new about my friends, and am often tempted by new apps. I suppose if you had a business or service to promote it could be a productive use of time. As it is for me, it seems more like interactive TV -- sometimes educational, but more often just lost hours.

I appreciated the 10 suggestions about protecting privacy, and implemented one of them right away. I intend to work more with creating groups, to try to make the flow of information more manageable.

I like following Friend Suggestions, Are You Related?, reading comments on the wall, and birthday reminders. Its hard to believe there are 26 million users every month!