Saturday, June 27, 2009

Crafts & Hobbies #63: Digital Scrapbooking

1) I watched the video on Scrapblog and was successful in using the program on my first try. My postcard on My Favorite Pets includes my own dog Holley (a lab/chow mix) with my brother's two bichons; my two grand-dogs (Ginger and Clover, both chihuahua mixes), and my cat Tiger (Siamese/ shorthair mix). {Only my cat signed a photo release, so the rest of the animals are pictured from the back.}

2) I do a lot of genealogy research, and have made many physical scrapbooks from the pictures. I think that doing a scrapbook digitally might be an inexpensive and easy way to share these pictures with the wider family. I will enjoy learning more about this.

I was NOT successful in posting my scrapbook page to this blog as a picture. Not sure why, as I did not get any error messages. I WAS successful in adding it to my Facebook photos.

3) Here is my post from Scrapblog as a link.

1 comment:

Bruce Farrar said...


Nice Scrapblog page. The cat was cute and the anonymous dogs looked relaxed and natural, at least from what I could see of them.