Sunday, February 15, 2009

#46 Movie Maker Basics: You Oughta be in Pictures

This was a terrific iHCPL segment. Thanks to Beth for using the "capture" method to demonstrate the use of the Windows Movie Maker program. I had experimented with it on my own before, but I learned a lot from Beth's tips and suggestions. They were much easier to follow than the tutorials built into the program itself.

There is really a lot of power within this little package. There are so many options for titles, transitions, audio, narration, etc. that we can do a lot with it for the library. I think it will take a while to get something that looks even a little professional, though. My products now look like a higher tech version of the old home movies. Practice may not make perfect, but it does create improvement. All I need now is TIME ... and probably a higher quality camera.

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