Saturday, July 26, 2008

Maps #32: Current Events

Google Maps Mashups was fun to explore. Here is what I tried this time:
1) Earth Tools (#80)lets you see the exact latitude and longitude for any location on the map. You can also use it to find elevation. My house is 141' above sea level (higher than I thought). This site would help those folks who want to know the elevation of a home site they are considering for purchase.
2) The map of 2008 presidential campaign contributions (#10) was interesting, but did not change my vote.
3)Exploring and Mapping the Bible (#25) would add depth to any Bible study. It goes through the Bible chapter by chapter and maps all the locations mentioned. Here is a sample showing Nehemiah Chapter 1, with the verses in the box on the left and the sites on the right side of the map.

In the past, I have monitored my son's plane flight as he flew to Colorado during a bad winter storm. It helped me stay relaxed instead of worrying, as I knew exactly where he was at all times. I knew that the plane would be late arriving because it had to detour south a bit because of the storm.

The map to the right is an overview of the University of Illinois in Urbana/Champaign. The huge libraries here are some of the few academic institutions that use the Dewey Decimal classification instead of Library of Congress classification. This is the campus where I got my degrees in biology and entomology, and practically memorized the 595.7's.
I was disappointed that you could not use the Terra Server site in much depth without a paid subscription.

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